NASTAR National Pacesetting


The U.S. Ski Team sets the pace for NASTAR and Ryan Cochran-Siegle (RCS) is the National Pacesetter and Zero Handicap. 


NASTAR=NAtional STAndard Race and the zero handicap is the standard for all Liberty Mutual Insurance NASTAR races. Every NASTAR race has a Par Time, which is the time Ryan Cochran-Siegle would have skied the course. The Par Time is set when a pacesetter races the course with a certified handicap. Once the Par Time is set, NASTAR participants earn a handicap which represents the difference between their race time and RCS's time expressed as a percentage. If a participant earns a 25 handicap, they are 25% behind the National Standard or Ryan's time. 


U.S. Ski Team Alumni race against Ryan to earn their pacesetting handicaps. Daron Rahlves, Marco Sullivan, Andrew Weinbrecht, Claire Brown, Tamara McKinney and others set the Par Time for RCS at Regional Pacesetting Trial races across the country where pacesetters from 100+ resorts and clubs earn their pacesetting handicaps.